Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Drama Continues...

Just when the excitement seemed to be winding down, there is more! The cardinals, Geoff and Louise, have nestlings. There are at least two little ones as of June 3rd. Louise still stayed on the nest the whole day, and Geoff did a good job bringing food to her and their nestlings. 
Geoff feeding the nestlings
And now, there is a new robin pair nesting even closer to the window! Calvin and Betty managed to build the nest without detection (because everyone in the lab was very focused on research), and had one perfect blue egg on June 3rd. She is likely still laying, and we should be able to follow their progress very closely in this nest because of it's location. 

Calvin, the new robin male
Betty, the new robin female
Betty on her nest
The first blue egg!

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